Saturday, July 5, 2008

Parades & Good Old Fashioned Country Livin'

My second week of working at camp has been completed, junior high adventure camp. The week had its ups and its downs from working in a mosquito infested craft shed during the afternoons, to driving golf carts everywhere, to playing intense games of Can-Can, playing in a mud pit with approximately 60 campers plus staff, and putting on one fabulous impromptu 4th of July parade and making hundreds of " 'MERICA!! " jokes in a single day. A solid week overall. Tiring, but solid. Next week I counsel for Junior camp (3rd to 6th graders) and I'm concerned about my energy levels being on the low side. But regardless, I can't think of a better way to spend my summer that being in the mountains. I star gaze almost every night and it never gets old. Going to Italy seems so far away but in reality it happens in a matter of weeks and I'm afraid I won't have much time to process all that went on and all that I experienced here at camp before I leave for an even bigger adventure. I'm now at the stage where I'm realizing that I am going to be gone from Whitworth and not see Whitworth people for a significantly long time and that it'll be harder on me emotionally than I thought. To quote an Explosions in the Sky album title, "all of a sudden, I miss everyone" --no matter where I am.

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